The History of Sexuality 1 - Michel Foucault
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The History of Sexuality: 1 - Michel FoucaultAutor : Michel Foucault, Druh sortimentu : Kniha, Název : The History of Sexuality: 1, Jazyk : Angličtina, Počet strán : 176 |
10,17 € |
The History of Sexuality 1 - Michel FoucaultWe talk about sex more and more, but are we more liberated? The first part of Michel Foucault's landmark account of our evolving attitudes in the west shows how the nineteenth century, far from suppressing sexuality, led to an explosion of discussion about sex as a separate sphere of life for study ... |
13,00 € |
The History of Sexuality: 1: The Will to Knowledge - autor neuvedený'A brilliant display of fireworks, attacking the widespread and banal notion that ",in the beginning", sexual activity was guilt-free and delicious, being repressed and blighted only by the gloom of Victorianism' Spectator We talk about sex more and more, but are we more liberated? The first... |
14,20 € |
History of Sexuality: 1 (Foucault Michel) |
10,64 € |
The Elements of Foucault, 55 (Lambert Gregg)A new conceptual diagram of Foucaults original vision of the biopolitical order The history around the critical reception of Michel Foucaults published writings is troubled, according to Gregg Lambert, especially in light of the controversy surrounding his late lectures on biopolitics and neoliber... |
23,92 € |
An Analysis of Michel Foucaults the History of Sexuality: Vol. 1: The Will to Knowledge (Dini Rachele)Michel Foucault is famous as one of the 20th-centurys most innovative and wide-ranging thinkers. The qualities that made him one of the most-read and influential theorists of the modern age find full expression in History of Sexuality, the last project Foucault was able to complete before his death ... |
7,72 € |
Nájdených 6 výsledkov |